Atlantic Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Lakeland, FL - January 30, 2016

Dixie Knight Supreme
C. japonica 'Dixie Knight Supreme' - Best in Show

Lakeland Camellia Society
January 30, 2016
Fellowship Hall
Abundant Life Church
6725 North Socrum Loop Road
Lakeland Florida 33809

Show Chairman - Brian Dick
577 Blooms Exhibited
200 Attendees
25 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate: 81 Blue Ribbons, Viola Spencer

Silver Certificate: 59 Blue Ribbons, Brian Dick


Best Bloom in Show - John W. Shirah Award 'Dixie Knight Supreme', Bob & Gail Reese

Best White Bloom in Show 'Lucille Jernigan', Eileen Hart

C. japonica unprotected, untreated:
Lg/VLg: 'Show Time', Brian Dick
Lg: 'Tomorrow Park Hill Var.', Viola Spencer
Md: 'Elaine's Betty', Bob & Gail Reese
Sm: 'Whoopee', Brian Dick

C. japonica unprotected, treated:
Lg/VLg: 'Paul Haskee', Brian Dick
Lg: 'Camille Var.', Brian Dick
Md: 'Tama Americana', Brian Dick
Sm: 'Tama Peacock', Eileen Hart

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected, untreated: 'Pleasant Memories', Viola Spencer

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected, treated: 'William Sellers Var.', Eileen Hart

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected, untreated: 'Raspberry Flambe', Irma Velez

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected, treated: 'Punkin', Eileen Hart

Best Miniature protected or unprotected: 'Frances Council', Brian Dick

Best Sasanqua (and related species): 'Chansonette', Brian Dick

Best Seedling: 'Seedling', Bev Connor

Best Sport (Mutant): 'Sport', Michael & Becky Andrews

Best Novice Bloom: 'Royal Velvet', Julie Lessard


Tray of Three-same or different varieties protected or unprotected: 'Tama Peacock', Eileen Hart

Tray of Five-different varieties protected or unprotected: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Bev Connor

LOCAL AWARDS (Polk County Members Only)

C. japonica untreated:
VLg: 'Francis Eugene Phillips', Pat Shirah
Lg: 'Mathotiana', John Edwards
Md: 'Lallarook', Judy Whalen
Sm: 'Grace Albritton', Judy Whalen